Get vaccinations or take preventive medicine that your health care provider has suggested.

Weather permitting, wear a hat, long-sleeved shirts and long pants. Clothing sprayed with permethrin can offer protection for two washings and up to two weeks. Don't wash bed nets or set them in sunlight, as this breaks down permethrin. Some sporting goods stores sell clothing pretreated with permethrin. Check the product label for instructions. This product is made to use on clothing and outdoor gear, not skin. Permethrin is an insecticide and insect repellent used for added protection.
When the risk of mosquito bites has passed, wash repellent off the skin with soap and water.Don't apply repellent over sunburns, cuts, wounds or rashes.Don't apply repellent near the eyes and mouth.Don't let young children get insect repellent on their hands, as they might get it in their mouths.Don't use para-menthane-diol on children under 3 years old.Check the labels of products with oil of lemon eucalyptus - some aren't suitable for children under 3 years old.Don't use icaridin on infants younger than 6 months.Don't use DEET-containing products on infants younger than 2 months.Used according to package directions, these products are generally safe for children and adults, with a few exceptions: And it's best to use only as much repellent as you need and to wash your hands after applying it. Avoid products that have both sunscreen and repellent, because you'll likely need to reapply sunscreen more often than repellent. If you're also using sunscreen, put it on first, about 20 minutes before applying the repellent. You may need to reapply it 6 to 8 hours later if you're still in an area where mosquitoes are active.

If you're using a spray repellent, apply it outdoors and away from food. Whichever product you choose, read the label before you apply it. DEET may offer longer lasting protection. These ingredients temporarily repel mosquitoes and ticks. The most effective insect repellents in the United States include one of these active ingredients: Use insect repellent when mosquitoes are active. Selecting self-care products that don't have scents.Using mosquito netting when sleeping outdoors.Using mosquito netting over strollers and cribs.Repairing any tears in the screens on windows, doors and camping gear.You can take several steps to protect yourself from mosquito bites. Mosquitos bite during both day and night, and they can live indoors. Other diseases, such as malaria and yellow fever, are far more common in tropical areas of the world. West Nile, dengue fever and some types of encephalitis occur in the United States. Then when it's biting you, the mosquito can transfer that virus or parasite to you through its saliva. The mosquito gets a virus or parasite by biting an infected person or animal. Mosquitoes can carry the viruses that cause certain diseases, such as West Nile virus and the viruses that cause malaria, yellow fever and dengue fever. Mosquitoes are attracted to smells, such as from sweat, floral scents and exhaled carbon dioxide. The saliva triggers an immune system reaction that results in the classic itching and bump. As a biting mosquito fills itself with blood, it injects saliva into your skin. Mosquito bites are caused by female mosquitoes feeding on your blood.